Vending FAQs

Vending FAQs2024-05-28T15:24:05+00:00

Frequently Asked Questions about Vending

Yes. You may figure your time in the field to be approximately 15 to 20 minutes per machine including your travel time (3 to 5 minutes servicing the machine and 10 minutes between locations). These figures will vary depending on your individual speed.
Yes. There is no need for an expensive office or warehouse. Many small operators use their basements or garages to store equipment and products.
Many tax advantages are available. To determine the best plan of action for your particular situation, we suggest that you discuss this matter in more detail with your accountant, CPA or tax preparer.
Excellent. This is an all cash business. There are not receivables. You don’t need any more than your original investment. However, the more machines you place on locations, the quicker your cash income increases.

The nice thing about this business is that from the day your machines are on location, they are working for you. Your vending machines will begin making money immediately.

There is no need to work and wait for months or years while you build a clientele. Your machines are like ‘silent’ salespersons working for you. They are on the job constantly, day and night, summer and winter, Sundays and holidays.

Vending equipment caters to everyone; rich, poor, male, female, young and old.

No. You will not be selling like sales people on a show room floor or on a telephone or door to door. Your vending machine is your sales person. You may hire a professional locator to negotiate the initial deal for your vending machine installation at a location, but after that is done, your good service and attention to detail is considered the best way to keep an account sold on you.

The manufacturers of the products you are selling have spent a fortune on advertising and have created a huge demand for their product. You are taking advantage of that.

Are there enough locations for me to expand? Although you can see vending machines ‘everywhere’, there are between two and three million new small businesses starting each year. You be the judge.
You can buy the local candy, beverage and snack wholesalers in your area. You will also notice special deals at the nationally advertised discount retail outlets and drug stores depending on exactly where you live.
We can provide the best sellers in each category depending on the type of vending machines you are buying. Because there are beverages, snacks, candy, gum, mints, ice cream, sandwiches, fruit, pastry, soups, gumballs and thousands of other products, we will help you to determine exactly what products should be used in the vending machines you purchase.
There is no substitute for quality. Name brand products are household favorites nationwide and are recognized by millions each day. We recommend using name brand products. You will find that your customers will use your machines repeatedly when they see quality products.
Many route owners use their teenage children to help service the vending equipment. This not only allows the operator to expand and have access to quick and reliable help, but it also allows the teenager to learn a business while earning pocket money.
It depends on how much money you want to make, and how much time you are willing to invest. Larger routes also include managing other people. We will gladly discuss your individual business plan and help you determine what would be necessary for growth and achievement of your goals.
It all depends on the quality of your locations and type of vending machines. The more traffic at the location, the more dollars you make.
Parts are easily accessible. We will help you with all your questions regarding this matter. Hanna maintains one of the largest part departments in the country and also has immediate access to parts that are not readily available at our headquarters or at any of our distribution centers.
No. Most people service their route from their existing vehicle. Once you have grown to the point that it becomes totally uncomfortable to continue operating in this manner, then you take the next natural step.
Because of their attractive designs, vending machines can be placed in almost any business or office location. We will provide a list of possible locations at no charge.
If you have not already created your own personal business plan, we strongly suggest that you put your plan in writing. An effective plan must include a clear, measurable statement of goals and objectives. It must assign specific “action oriented” responsibilities to members of your family or organization and provide a time-table for implementation and completion. With these thoughts in mind, you are ready to begin.